
Booster Club


bOOSTER lOGOHow to Write Booster Club Articles of Incorporation | Dr Musa YevabOOSTER lOGO

Dear Parents and Students,

The HICKSVILLE ATHLETIC BOOSTER CLUB (HABC) encourages and supports the efforts of students who participate in athletic programs in both the Middle and High School. The HABC recognizes their achievements on and off the field while maintaining a focus on the significance of academics, sportsmanship and citizenship. The HABC meets monthly at the High School in the Little Theater as marked on the district calendar as well as noted on this website.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the HABC and supporting the student/athletes and programs please join our yearly membership drive. Individual Membership is $10.00; Family Membership is $15.00 and may be submitted to the HABC mailbox in the Main Office of the High School. Please, no cash. Checks made payable to 'HABC'. Please download the Membership Form found on the Membership Link.

The HABC sells assorted clothing items each year at Open Houses, Homecoming and many athletic events throughout the school year. A list of clothing available for purchase will be posted on this website. If you would like to purchase an item, you can download the "Apparel Request" and place it in the HABC mailbox in the High School Main Office and we will make arrangements to have your items provided to you. Please note the required uniform for the team is provided by the school district. We offer additional clothing at a reasonable cost to each player only if they are interested. No player is required to purchase clothing.

The HABC also sells refreshments at many home games throughout the school year. The Hicksville Athletic Booster Club donates all proceeds to the students of the Hicksville School District Athletic programs. The HABC also contributes to the District Wellness Fair providing assistance as well as donations to the program.

The HABC hosts an end of year dinner for the senior athletes where three scholarships are distributed. These scholarships are made possible as a result of your support and contributions. The HABC hopes to continue to support our athletes into the future with your continued efforts.

Please come out and be a part of the HABC and thank you for your continued support and welcome your involvement.

Please take an opportunity to look through the links associated with the Booster Club for further information.



President – Shannon Mane
Vice President – Erica Mathis
Recording Secretary – Laura Kaval
Corresponding Secretary – Kim Villatoro
Treasurer – Stacey Lagnese


Join the Booster Club! - Episcopal Day School Augusta